Teledyne API Model 200AH NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2


5.7.3. TEST Commands and Messages

Table 5-15: RS-232 Test Messages

Name Message Description
NOXRANGE1 NOX RNG=xxxxx ppm Indep. range for NOx channel
NORANGE(1) NO RNG=xxxxx ppm(3) Indep. range for NO channel
NO2RANGE(1) NO2 RNG=xxxxx ppm(3) Indep. range for NO2 channel
RANGE(2) RANGE=xxxxx ppm(3) Analyzer range
STABIL STABIL=xxxx.xx ppm Std. Deviation of last 10 min of conc values
FLOW SAMPLE FL=xxx CC/M Sample flow rate
OFLOW OZONE FL=xxxx CC/M Ozone flow rate
PMT PMT=xxxxxx MV PMT output
NORM PMT NORM_PMT=xxxxxxx MV PMT output adjusted for T/P compensation
AZERO AZERO=xxxxxx MV AutoZero offset value
HVPS HVPS=xxxxx V High voltage power supply
DCPS DCPS=xxxxxx MV DC power supply
RCTEMP RCELL TEMP=xxx C Reaction cell temperature
BOXTEMP BOX TEMP=xxx C Internal box temperature
PMTTEMP PMT TEMP=xxx C PMT temperature
BLOCKTEMP BLOCK=xxx C Sample flow control block temp
CONVTEMP CONV TEMP=xxx C Converter temperature
RCPRESS RCEL=xxx.x IN-HG-A Rx Cell Pressure
SMPPRESS SAMP=xxx.x IN-HG-A Sample Pressure
NOXSLOPE NOXSLOPE=xxxxx NOX Slope Parameter
NOXOFFSET NOXOFFS=xxxxx NOX Offset Parameter
NOSLOPE NOSLOPE=xxxxxx NO Slope Parameter
NOOFFSET NOOFFS=xxxxxx NO Offset Parameter
(1)Displayed when independent range is enabled.
(2)Displayed when single or AutoRange is enabled.
(3)Depends on which units are currently selected.