ETS-300 Euro-ISDN
Telos Nx12
To: Telephone Company
Attention: ________________________________
Company: _______________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
City/State/ZIP: __________________________________
Phone: ________________________
Location for line
Company: _______________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
City/State/ZIP: __________________________________
Phone: ________________________
Date needed: _____________________ Termination date: _____________________
Number of BRI circuits required: _______
We request ISDN BRI
Hunt Groups (please give us the option specified below):
□Please put all MSNs for all BRI’s in a single hunt (ISG or Rollover) group
□Please create a hunt group with all MSNs except (Specify) ________________
□No hunt groups
Line Deactivation (please provide the option specified below):
□Our application is critical and we need to ensure that lines are working at all times. Please set the switch parameter “Deactivation Allow” to “NO”.
□We would prefer to know if lines are working at all times. Therefore we request that you set the parameter “Deactivation Allow” to “NO” if this is possible.
□Line deactivation is acceptable. Please provide your default setting for this parameter.
You may call the manufacturer of the Nx12, Telos Systems, at +1 (216)