Users Manual 23
PART 1 AD268 5. I/O Allocation and Programming
5.3 Programming
To read the A/D conversion data, there is no need to use special instruction. The A/D
conversion data are automatically stored in the assigned input registers (XW registers).
For example, when the AD268 is allocated to XW000 to XW007, the A/D conversion data of
each channel is stored as follows.
XW000 : Channel 1 A/D conversion data
XW001 : Channel 2 A/D conversion data
XW002 : Channel 3 A/D conversion data
XW003 : Channel 4 A/D conversion data
XW004 : Channel 5 A/D conversion data
XW005 : Channel 6 A/D conversion data
XW006 : Channel 7 A/D conversion data
XW007 : Channel 8 A/D conversion data
Therefore, in the u s er program, you can use these XW registers directly for the analog data
The program shown below is an example of simple comparison with the channel 1 analog data.
(±10V setting)
Line 1: When XW000 is greater than 25600 (channel 1 analog input is more than 8V), R0100
is set to ON.
Line 2: When XW000 is in the range of -9600 to 9600 (channel 1 analog input is in the range
of -3V to 3V), R0101 is set to ON.
Line 3: When XW000 is less than -16000 (channel 1 analog input is less than -5V), R0102 is
set to ON.
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