24 Analog I/O Modules (AD268 / DA264 / TC218)
6. Parameters PART 1 AD268
6. Parameters
The AD268 has the memory that stores the control parameters, input type designation, module
status information, etc. This memory is called the buffer memory. To access (read/write) this
memory from the T2 program, READ and WRITE instructions are used.
6.1 Memory map
The contents of the AD268's buffer memory are as follows.
Address Contents
H8000 G ain calibration val ue for channel 1
H8001 G ain calibration val ue for channel 2
H8002 G ain calibration val ue for channel 3
H8003 G ain calibration val ue for channel 4
H8004 G ain calibration val ue for channel 5
H8005 G ain calibration val ue for channel 6
H8006 G ain calibration val ue for channel 7
H8007 G ain calibration val ue for channel 8
H8008 O ffset calibration v alue for channel 1
H8009 O ffset calibration v alue for channel 2
H800A Offset calibration val ue for channel 3
H800B Offset calibration val ue for channel 4
H800C O ffset calibration v alue for channel 5
H800D O ffset calibration v alue for channel 6
H800E Offset calibration val ue for channel 7
H800F Offset calibration val ue for channel 8
H8010 Av eraging times for channel 1
H8011 Av eraging times for channel 2
H8012 Av eraging times for channel 3
H8013 Av eraging times for channel 4
H8014 Av eraging times for channel 5
H8015 Av eraging times for channel 6
H8016 Av eraging times for channel 7
H8017 Av eraging times for channel 8
H8018 Input type setting for channel 1
H8019 Input type setting for channel 2
H801A Input type setting for channel 3
H801B Input type setting for channel 4
H801C Input type setting for channel 5
H801D Input type setting for channel 6
H801E Input type setting for channel 7
H801F Input type setting for channel 8
H8020 Command register
H8021 Response register
H8027 No use
Use WRITE instruction to wri te
data into these addresses.
Use READ instruction to read
data from this address.
CTi Automation - Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 208.368.0415 - Web: www.ctiautomation.net - Email: info@ctiautomation.net