Users Manual 77
PART 3 TC218 6. Parameters
Gain calibratio n value & Offset c alibration value : (±
±100mV input only)
(Gain: H8000 to H8007, Offset: H8008 to H800F)
For the ±100mV input, the gain and offset calibration is possible.
In the TC218, the A/D conversion data is calculated as follows.
When the gain calibration value is G and the offset calibration value is O, the conversion
calculation is performed in the TC218 as follows.
X2 = (X1 + O) × G / 32000
X1: Initial A/D conversion value
X2: Gain/offset processed value
O: Of fset calibration va lu e (buffer memory address H8008 to H800F)
G: Gain calibration value (buf fer memory address H8000 to H8007)
The data setting range of the gain and offset calibration value are as follows.
Input type Gain calibr ation value
Upper limit 32000
Default value 32000
±100mV Lower limit 10000
Thermocouple Not applic abl e
Input type Offset calibrati on value
Upper limit 3200
Default value 0
±100mV Lower limit -3200
Thermocouple Not applic abl e
Analog input A/D
conversion Offset
processing Gain
processing A/D conversion data
(read by T2 CPU)
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