PART 3 TC218 6. Parameters
6. Parameters
The TC218 has the memory that stores the control parameters, input type designation, modulestatus information, etc. This memory is called the buffer memory. To access (read/write) thismemory from the T2 program, READ and WRITE instructions are used.6.1 Memory map
The contents of the TC218's buffer memory are as follows.Address Contents
H8000 G ain calibration val ue for channel 1
H8001 G ain calibration val ue for channel 2
H8002 G ain calibration val ue for channel 3
H8003 G ain calibration val ue for channel 4
H8004 G ain calibration val ue for channel 5
H8005 G ain calibration val ue for channel 6
H8006 G ain calibration val ue for channel 7
H8007 G ain calibration val ue for channel 8
H8008 O ffset calibration v alue for channel 1
H8009 O ffset calibration v alue for channel 2
H800A Offset calibration val ue for channel 3
H800B Offset calibration val ue for channel 4
H800C O ffset calibration v alue for channel 5
H800D O ffset calibration v alue for channel 6
H800E Offset calibration val ue for channel 7
H800F Offset calibration val ue for channel 8
H8010 Av eraging times for channel 1
H8011 Av eraging times for channel 2
H8012 Av eraging times for channel 3
H8013 Av eraging times for channel 4
H8014 Av eraging times for channel 5
H8015 Av eraging times for channel 6
H8016 Av eraging times for channel 7
H8017 Av eraging times for channel 8
H8018 Input type setting for channel 1
H8019 Input type setting for channel 2
H801A Input type setting for channel 3
H801B Input type setting for channel 4
H801C Input type setting for channel 5
H801D Input type setting for channel 6
H801E Input type setting for channel 7
H801F Input type setting for channel 8
H8020 Command register
H8021 Response register
H8027 No use
Use WRITE instruction to wri te
data into these addresses.
Use READ instruction to read
data from this address.
CTi Automation - Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 208.368.0415 - Web: www.ctiautomation.net - Email: info@ctiautomation.net