68 Analog I/O Modules (AD268 / DA264 / TC218)
4. Wiring PART 3 TC218
External 24Vdc power supply
4.3 Wiring precau tions
(1) The thermocouple signal is weak voltage. Pay attention to prevent noise interference.
• Shortest cable distance
• Cable shield and grounding
• Separation from other cables
(2) This module requires 24Vdc power. Apply the 24Vdc power before (or at the same time)
applying T2’s main power. Otherwise, this module detects the external 24Vdc error.
(3) If the external 24Vdc power for this module is not stable, the converted data will not be
stable. In this case, use a dedicated 24Vdc power supply for this module.
(4) It is recommended to short the unused channels. Because if it is open, meaningless A/D
conversion data will appear.
(5) If the converted data is not stable owing to electrical noise, it is recommended to use the
input averaging function to reduce the noise interference. For the averaging function, refer
to section 6.
(6) When this module is used for thermocouple input, connect the thermistor to channel 1
(CH1). The thermistor is attached with this module.
Internal circuit
Normall y connect LG and FG,
then connect to ground. (a)
However, depending on the
condition, connect grounding
individually by opening LG and
FG. (b)
24Vdc ±10%
(b) (a)
-15V AG
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