28 Analog I/O Modules (AD268 / DA264 / TC218)
6. Parameters PART 1 AD268
Command register:
This register is used to issue the following commands to the AD268. To issue the command,
write the command value by using WRITE instruction.
Value Command Description
0 - Write 0 after the c ommand processing is completed.
1 Parameter set W hen this command is i ssued, the parameters written into
the buffer memory are saved in the AD268 ’s EEPROM, and
the parameters become effective.
2 Reset command Used to reset the AD268 when some error has occurred.
However if the error is caused by hardware o r external
condition, the reset command may not be effec t ive.
The command register and the response register are used for hand-shaking. Refer to section
6.2 for the parameter setting procedure.
Response register:
This register shows the AD268’s response for the command issued. Check the status of this
register using READ instruction.
Value Response Description
0 - The requested command is not yet com pleted.
1 Acknowledge When the issued command is complet ed, the response
register comes 1.
The command register and the response register are used for hand-shaking. Refer to section
6.2 for the parameter setting procedure.
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