User’s Manual 83
PART 3 TC218 7. Troubleshooting
7. Troubleshooting
7.1 RAS information
The RUN LED is provided on the front of the TC218. When the TC218 is operating normally,
this LED is lit.
Also the module status information is provided in the TC218‘s buffer memory (addresses
H8030 to H8037). This information is useful for troubleshooting.
Module status:
(H8030 to H8037)
These data show the TC218’s operation status.
Bit position →FEDCBA9876543210
Bit Name Description
0 to 2 Input t ype Shows the input type.
000 (0) = Type K thermocouple
001 (1) = Type J thermocouple
010 (2) = Type E thermocouple
101 (5) = ±100mV
3 to 6 - Reserved
7 Input type setting
error 1 when the input type designation is invalid.
8 Burnout detection 1 when thermocouple burnout is detected.
9 Input limit 1 when the A/D conversion data i s limited because of the range
A MPU er ror 1 when the TC218’s processor is not normal.
B ROM status 1 when the TC218’s EEPROM is not normal.
C DP-RAM stat us 1 when the TC218’s DP-RAM (buffer memory) is not normal.
D- Reserved
E Ex ternal 24V error 1 when the external 24Vdc is not norma l.
F Initializing 1 during the TC218 is in initialization process.
A sample program to read the module status information is shown below.
By the above sample program, the module status information for each channel is read from the
TC218, and stored in D4010 to D4017.
(In this sample program, it is assumed that the TC218 is allocated to XW000 to XW007)
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