User’s Manual 29
PART 1 AD268 6. Parameters
Analog input actual value:
(H8028 to H802F)
These data show the original A/D conversion data before processing the gain and offset
Module status:
(H8030 to H8037)
These data show the AD268’s operation status.
Bit position →FEDCBA9876543210
Bit Name Description
0 to 2 Input t ype Shows the input type.
000 (0) = 0 to 5V/0 to 20mA
001 (1) = 0 to 10V
010 (2) = 1 to 5V/4 to 20mA
100 (4) = ±5V
101 (5) = ±10V
3 to 5 - Reserved
6 Channel skip 1 when the channel skip is designated.
7 Input type setting
error 1 when the input type designation is invalid.
8 Wire break 1 when wire breakage is detected. (Effective only for 4 to 20mA
9 Input limit 1 when the A/D conversion data i s limited because of the range
A MPU er ror 1 when the AD268’s processor is not normal.
B ROM status 1 when the AD268’s EEPROM is not normal.
C DP-RAM stat us 1 when the AD268’s DP-RAM (buffer memory) is not normal.
D- Reserved
E Ex ternal 24V error 1 when the external 24Vdc is not norma l.
F Initializing 1 during the AD268 is in initialization process.
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