You can select a recording mode among 5 options, and the recording time will depend on the recording mode you select as follows.
XP60 min 18min
SP 120 min 36min ****
LP 240 min 72 min ***
EP 360 min 108min **
SLP 480 min 144 min *
•The recording times listed above are estimates and are for reference purposes only. Actual recording times may vary.
•The audio and video quality of content being recorded may differ depending on the recording mode/recording time chosen.
.rsOOi;l.F()Q,~lJ~~?rbr·i;lP\tbRrCbrecordermay •••.·•.
be plaY~db~5.~ifth.e.clisci.sclamagedor dirty or.
ifthereJ.scoJ)g~n~~tjo.~bn·We.player'.slens. . .
·~·lfYo~;~~i>rd·«djt~.usir:i9 a.personal computer,even
jfjtisrecordedin"acompatible format it may not be playedba(:k"b~ca~s~oft~e'settings of the
.applitatiofl:s§~are.usedtci~.reatethe di.se. (Check ""ith.the softwarepuolisherfor more detailed
informaiiol1.)···....' .
·fQis~s,record~~in.\ii~e.<'~·ode on this \Jnit cannot
.recordaddi'ionaUnforma~ionusingotoer DVO
:re£()r~~rs:t····t:l··.t't·rt '..• . • '"
formatted with thfsunffon.pther DVD recorder unless the contenfof:th~discwasalso'rei:ordedwith
this unit..' •.......f .'... : . x."
•Since thereconj,ing kmad~bythe VBR(variable bit ratej'metodd,d~pehding'onthe picture you are
n:!cording, the'actualremaining time for recording may be alittle sry9cterthan theremainingtime . displayed on thlj!.T"\lscreem
You cannot record copy"protected program using this unit.
What is "CPRM"?
CPRM is a copy protection system with scramble system regarding the recording of
This unit is CPRM compatible, which means that you can record
Making discs playable in other DVD players (Finalize) For
EN 33