The hard disk can be formatted to erase the entire content of the hard disk.
1. On the “INSTALLATION” page, highlight “FORMAT HARD DISK” and press the “ENTER” button.
2. Use the “” and “” buttons to highlight between “YES” and “NO”.
3. Press the “ENTER” button to start formatting or exit. Formatting the entire hard disk takes only about 5 seconds.
Note: This action is destructive and all files on the hard disk will be deleted.
This option in the “INSTALLATION” page updates the software in the recorder. By keeping the system software
consult your local dealer to obtain the latest software and make sure you know how to operate HyperTerminal®3
for the Windows®4 operating system on your computer.
1. Highlight “S/W UPDATE” and press the “ENTER” button.
2. Use the “” and “” buttons to highlight between “YES” and “NO”.
3. Before you select “YES”, follow the steps outlined below to configure your PC first:
(a)Connect PC to your
(b)On the PC side:
-Launch the HyperTerminal® application.
-Name the connection.
-Select the correct COM port – usually COM1.
-Use the following COM port settings:
baud rate: 115200
data: 8
parity: none
stop bit: 1
flow control: none
-After you click the “OK” button, you may see many messages appearing in the HyperTerminal screen. Ignore them and proceed to the next step.
-Select HyperTerminal’s basic function “Transfer”.
-Select “Send File”.
-Browse to select the updated software file.
-Transfer protocol: “1K Xmodem”
DO NOT click on the “Send” button at this
3HyperTerminal® is a registered trademark of Hilgraeve Inc.
4Microsoft® and Windows® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.