Trango Broadband M900S user manual RF Link Loopback Test, Link Control

Models: M900S

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Basic Configuration via Browser Interface

Link Control Page

The radio’s firmware includes several useful tools to assist in determining which SUs are associated and the quality of each link. One method for verifying link quality is by using the Link Control page.

On this page the user can immediately see which SUs have associated. In the page shown, SU ID# 1 is associated, and SU ID 17 is not. Consider "Power Off" status synonymous with "not associated."

RF Link

Loopback Test

The RF Link Loopback test is one of the built-in tools for evaluating the quality of the wireless link. Specify an SU ID and time in minutes to conduct the test. The test is prioritized, so it will take precedence over all other traffic. 1600 byte packets are sent and received between the SU and AP at 50 millisecond intervals over the time specified.

Trango Broadband Wireless — User Manual M900S Rev. C

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Trango Broadband M900S user manual RF Link Loopback Test, Link Control