Ulead DVD MovieFactory lets you search your videos for commercial intervals. Clicking this feature extracts the commercials to the media list.
Quick search interval allows you to set a fixed interval between frames and browse through the movie using the set value.
Detection sensitivity allows you to control the rate of distinguishing between commercials.
Merge CF
This feature merges all your extracted clips so that they appear as one thumbnail in your media list.
Join/Separate videos
You can combine two or more video clips, or separate previously combined video clips using the Join/Separate Video feature.
To combine/separate video clips:
1.Press [Ctrl] or [Shift] and click on two or more clips in the Media Clip list.
2.Click to combine the selected clips.
3.To separate the previously combined videos, select the video clip from the
Media Clip list and click .
Enhance Video/Edit Slideshow
Select a video clip and click Enhance Video to add transition effects, audio, and text to your video.
The Effect tab
The Effect tab displays various options that you can use to apply transition effects to your video clip. You can also add a transition effect anywhere in the video.
Note: Click Auto Add Effects to easily add transition effects. DVD MovieFactory will scan the video for scene changes and add a transition effect at every point of the scene change.