The Audio Driver
Audio formats
The Osprey hardware supports sampling of analog audio at 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz in
∙8 kHz
∙11.025 kHz
∙16 kHz
∙22.05 kHz
∙32 kHz
∙44.1 kHz
∙48 kHz
Audio playback
Osprey cards provide audio capture only, not audio playback. Continue to play back captured audio using your system soundcard.
Audio configuration
The OspreyConfig applet is included as part of the Osprey AVStream driver package. It is also provided in source form in the Osprey AVStream SDK. It provides supplementary controls that are not available via the standard system properties.
OspreyConfig’s controls are
Mono Source Mode
If set to Use Left Channel, then left channel audio data is copied to the right channel.
If set to Use Right Channel, then right channel audio data is copied to the left channel.
If set to Average Left and Right, no copying is done.
The Microsoft mixer component always averages both channels when converting to mono. If a signal is present on, say, the left channel only, the Average mode will average the left channel with the silent right channel, effectively halving the signal amplitude. Setting this control to Left results in only left channel data in the mono capture, with no amplitude drop.
Dual Mono
The Dual Mono window enables a special mode of the driver in which the left and right stereo pair inputs to a device are used as two separate mono channels serving two separate audio capture filters. A typical use for this mode is
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