| |
A |
| O |
| |
AutoIP | 16, 29 |
| ||
| 37 | |||
C |
configuration table | 13 |
connectors | 14 |
continuous mode | 37 |
D |
declaration of conformity | 6 |
device idnetify web page | 33 |
DHCP | 16, 29 |
digital I/O | 21 |
digital I/O connector | 20 |
driver | 15, 16 |
driver installation | 16 |
E |
EX71HD | 9, 22 |
EX72SF | 10, 23, 24 |
EX72SF switch modules | 23 |
EX7400 | 24 |
exclude lists | 13 |
F |
firmware upgrade web page | 33 |
front panel | 22 |
G |
general purpose I/O | 21 |
H |
hardware setup | 16 |
P |
password | 26 |
power specifications | 14 |
processor | 14 |
programmable MBB and BBM | 13 |
PTP | 31 |
pulse mode | 38 |
R |
RDB | See relay driver board |
rear panel view | 19 |
reboot web page | 34 |
relay drive control | 12 |
relay driver board | 12, 35, 36, 37, 38 |
relay odometer | 13 |
reset |
network configuration | 22 |
reset button | 22 |
reset web page | 34 |
S |
scan lists | 13 |
SNTP | 31 |
soft front panel web page | 28 |
specifications | 14 |
T |
TCP | See network configuration |
theory of operation | 35 |
time configuration web page | 31 |
I |
index web page | 25 |
installation location | 15 |
IP address | See network configuration |
L |
LAN Configuration Initialize | 16, 22, 29 |
LCI | See LAN Configuration Initialize |
LXI Trigger Bus | 20 |
M |
MAC address | 16, 29 |
MDSN | See multicast domain name system |
multicast domain name system | 30 |
N |
network configuration |
resetting | See LAN configuration initialize |
network configuration web page | ....................................................29 |
V |
30 | |
W |
Web Page Operation | 25 |
WEEE | 7 |
EX7000 Series Index | 39 |