1GENERALSystemPARAMETERS:Password: | (undefined)Off9600,N,8,1 | Configuration | |
65BaudRate:432SiteModemID:InitEcho:.String: |
| ||
7 | DisconnectTimeout: | ATE0M0Q1&C1&D2S0=1Min |
8 | CommandConfirmation: | On |
9AutomatedMode: |
| ||
10.ButtonMode: |
| ||
ADefaultParameters. |
| |
FigureEnter5Selection.3:GeneralorParameters<ESC>toExitMenu...(SystemModeOnly) |
3.Modem Initialization String: To define the Modem Initialization String (up to 32 characters), type 3 and press [Enter]. For more information on the initialization string, please refer to the user's guide for your external modem. Make certain that the modem is set to auto- answer in one ring. (Default = ATE0M0Q1&C1&D2S0=1).
4.Modem Disconnect String: To define the Disconnect String (up to 32 characters), type 4 press [Enter], and follow the instructions in the submenu. For more information, please refer to the user's guide for your external modem. (Default = undefined).
5.Baud Rate: To select the baud rate for the Modem Port and Console Port, type 5 press [Enter], and follow the instructions in the submenu. Make certain to select a rate that is compatible with the external modem, and/or the device connected to the Console Port. (Default value determined by Option Switch 1; Factory Setting = 9600).
Note: When this setting is changed, the new baud rate will not be applied until the user exits and then
6.Command Echo: Enables/Disables the command echo. When enabled, commands sent to the NPS will be echoed back to your PC, allowing keystrokes to be displayed . To enable/disable the echo, type 6, press [Enter] and follow
the instructions in the submenu. (Default determined by
Option Switch 3; Factory Setting = Disabled). | |