
Saving the current song

This section explains how to save the current song to the
hard disk. If you accidentally turn off the power of the
AW16G without saving the song, all recordings or opera-
tions that you performed since last saving the song will
be lost. You should make a habit of saving the song at
appropriate breaks in your work.
1In the Work Navigate section, repeatedly
press the [SONG] key or hold down the
[SONG] key and use the CURSOR [ ]/[ ]
keys to access the LIST page.
In this page you can select a song on the hard disk,
and load or delete it.
This is a list of the songs saved on the hard disk. The
line enclosed by a dotted frame in the center of the
list is the song to which your operation you perform
will apply. The highlighted line is the song that is
currently loaded into the AW16G. (This is referred
to as the “current song.”)
BSORT field
Use these three buttons to select how the songs in
the list will be sorted. You can choose NAME (sort
alphabetically), OLD (sort by date of saving), or
SIZE (sort by size).
CSAVE button
When you move the cursor to this button and press
the [ENTER] key, the current song will be saved.
2Move the cursor to the SAVE button and
press the [ENTER] key.
A popup window will ask you to confirm that you
want to save the current song.
3To save the song, move the cursor to the OK
button and press the [ENTER] key.
If you move the cursor to the CANCEL button
(instead of the OK button) and press the [ENTER]
key, the Save operation will be cancelled.
The song save operation always saves the current song,
regardless of the song that is selected in the list.
•You cannot save a song that is protected. If for example
you have edited the mixer settings and need to save the
song, you must disable the protect setting and then save
the song. (Making various settings for a song
p. 139)
• If necessary, you can change the name of the song
before you save it (
p. 138).
• In the following situations, a popup window will ask
whether you want to save the current song; when you
load an existing song from the hard disk, when you cre-
ate a new song, or when you shut-down the AW16G.
However, we recommend that you frequently save the
song you are working on, as a safeguard against acci-
dents such as the AW16G’s power cable being acciden-
tally disconnected.