138 Chapter 12—Common Channel Functions
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
11 A. Dr. OverTop COMPAND-S
Soft-kneed compander for emphasizing the attack and
ambience of cymbals recorded with overhead mics. It
automatically reduces the volume when the cymbals are
not played, improving mic separation.
12 E. B. Finger COMP Compressor for leveling the attack and volume of a fin-
ger-picked electric bass guitar.
13 E. B. Slap COMP Compressor for leveling the attack and volume of a
slapped electric bass guitar.
14 Syn. Bass COMP Compressor for controlling or emphasizing the level of a
synth bass.
15 Piano1 COMP Compressor for brightening the tonal color of a piano.
16 Piano2 COMP A variation on preset 15, using a deep threshold to change
the overall attack and level.
17 E. Guitar COMP
Compressor for electric guitar “cutting” or arpeggio-style
backing. The sound color can be varied by playing differ-
ent styles.
18 A. Guitar COMP Compressor for acoustic guitar “stroke” or arpeggio-style
19 Strings1 COMP Compressor for use with strings.
20 Strings2 COMP A variation on preset 19, intended for violas or cellos.
21 Strings3 COMP A variation on preset 20, intended for string instruments
with a very low range, such as cellos or contrabass.
22 BrassSection COMP Compressor for brass sounds with a fast and strong attack.
23 Syn. Pad COMP Compressor for synth pad, intended to prevent diffusion
of the sound.
24 SamplingPerc COMPAND-S Compressor for making sampled percussion sound like real
acoustic percussion.
25 Sampling BD COMP A variation on preset 24, intended for sampled bass drum
26 Sampling SN COMP A variation on preset 25, intended for sampled snare drum
27 Hip Comp COMPAND-S A variation on preset 26, intended for sampled loops and
28 Solo Vocal1 COMP Compressor for use with main vocals.
29 Solo Vocal2 COMP A variation on preset 28.
30 Chorus COMP A variation on preset 28, intended for choruses.
31 Click Erase EXPAND Expander for removing a click track that may bleed
through from a musicians headphones.
32 Announcer COMPAND-H Hard-kneed compander for reducing the level of the music
when an announcer speaks.
33 Limiter1 COMPAND-S A soft-kneed compander with a slow release.
34 Limiter2 COMP A “peak-stop” compressor.
35 Total Comp1 COMP
Compressor for reducing the overall volume level. Use it
on the stereo output during mixdown, or with paired
Input or Output Channels.
36 Total Comp2 COMP A variation on preset 35, but with more compression.
# Preset Name Type Description