Selecting Channels 59
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Selecting Channels
To select Input and Output Channels for editing with the SELECTED CHANNEL controls,
you use the LAYER buttons to select a Layer, and the [SEL] buttons to select a channel on
that Layer.
1Select a Layer, as explained on page 58.
2Use the [SEL] buttons to select an Input or Output Channel.
The [SEL] button indicator for the currently selected channel lights up, and the
border of its channel strip display lights up (see page 55). In addition, the Chan-
nel’s ID and Short name appear in the upper right corner of the display (see page 52).
The exact channel selected by each [SEL] button depends on the currently selected Layer.
For example, when Layer 1–24 is selected, [SEL] button #1 selects Input Channel #1. When
Layer 25–48 is selected, it selects Input Channel #25. And when the Master Layer is selected,
it selects Bus Out #1, as shown in the following table.
For paired Input or Output channels, the channel whose [SEL] button you press is selected,
and its indicator lights up. The [SEL] button indicator of the other channel flashes.
Vertical and horizontal Input and Output channel partners can also be selected by using the
SELECTED CHANNEL PAN/SURROUND [L] and [R] buttons, which can also be used to
select left and right channels when a Matrix Send or the Stereo Out is selected.
If the currently displayed page contains a relevant parameter, when a channel’s [SEL] but-
ton is pressed, the cursor moves to that parameter automatically. If the currently displayed
page contains no such parameter, the page that does contain such a parameter is selected
automatically. For example, if a Delay page for the Output Channels is selected when an
Input Channel [SEL] button is pressed, the Delay page showing the relevant Input Channel
Delay parameter is selected automatically.
Layer [SEL] Button
1–8 9–16 17–20 21–24
1–24 Input Channels 1–24
25–48 Input Channels 25–48
49–72 Input Channels 49–72
73–96 Input Channels 73–96
MASTER Bus Outs 1–8 Aux Sends 1–12 Matrix Sends 1–41
1. Each time a [SEL] button is pressed, the selection toggles between the Matrix Send’s left and right
Operation depends on the selected target.
See “About Remote Layers” on page 253 for more information.