| Problem | Cause | Remedy | See |
| page | |||
| |
| FM stereo reception is | The characteristics of FM stereo | Check the antenna connections. | 28 |
| noisy. | broadcasts may cause this problem |
| Try using a | — | ||
| when the transmitter is too far away or | ||
| the antenna input is poor. | antenna. |
| Use the manual tuning method. | 53 |
| There is distortion, and | There is | Adjust the antenna position to eliminate | — |
| clear reception cannot |
| |
FM | be obtained even with a |
good FM antenna. |
| |
| |
| The desired station | The signal is too weak. | Use a | — |
| cannot be tuned into |
| Use the manual tuning method. | 53 | |
| with the automatic |
| ||
| tuning method. |
| Previously preset | This unit has been disconnected for a | Set preset stations | 54, 55 |
| stations can no longer | long period. |
| be tuned into. |
| The desired station | The signal is weak or the antenna | Tighten the AM loop antenna connections | — |
| cannot be tuned into | connections are loose. | and orient it for the best reception. |
| with the automatic |
| Use the manual tuning method. | 53 | |
| tuning method. |
| ||
AM |
There are continuous | Noises result from lightning, | Use an outdoor antenna and a ground wire. | — | |
| crackling and hissing | fluorescent lamps, motors, thermostats | This will help somewhat, but it is difficult to |
| noises. | and other electrical equipment. | eliminate all noise. |
| There are buzzing and | A TV set is being used nearby. | Move this unit away from the TV set. | — |
| whining noises. |
■XM Satellite Radio (U.S.A. model only)
If an operation takes longer than usual or an error occurs, one of the following messages may appear in the front panel display. In this case, read the cause and follow the corresponding remedies.
Status message | Cause | Remedy | See | |
page | ||||
| ||
CHECK ANTENNA | The XM | Check the XM | 59 | |
| accessory is not connected to the XM jack | accessory connections and orient it for the best |
| |
| of this unit or does not work properly. | reception level. |
| |
| |
UPDATING | The XM user encryption code is being | Wait until the encryption code is updated. | — | |
| updated. |
| |
| |
NO SIGNAL | The signal is too weak. | Check the XM | 59 | |
| accessory connections and orient it for the best |
| |
| reception level. |
| |
| |
LOADING | It takes longer than four seconds for audio | Wait until the decoding process has finished. | — | |
| or text data to be decoded. |
| |
| |
OFF AIR | The XM Satellite Radio channel you | Check the channel number again or select another | — | |
| selected is not currently broadcasting any | XM Satellite Radio channel. |
| |
| signals. |
| |
| |
<XM> - - - | The Channel Station ID (SID) is no longer |
| |
| available. |
| |
| |
- - | No artist name or song title is available. |
| |
| |
<CAT> - - - | No channels are available for the selected | Select another channel category by pressing | 64 | |
| category. | CATEGORY on the front panel (or |
| |
| the remote control) repeatedly. |
| |