Mixing and Automix 81

02R Getting Started Guide
Off-line Automix Editing

Editing Scene and Library Recall Events

The Event Edit (Scene/Lib.) page, shown below, allows you to duplicate
and delete mix scene and library recall events, and insert new events.
Timecode addresses can be captured on-the-fly, and new events inserted at
the captured points. The Locate function provides a speedy way to locate
events in a complex automix.
1. Use the [AUTOMIX] button to locate the AUTOMIX 5/7 page.
Mix scene recall events and library program recall events are listed in the
Time Code, Memory, and Channel columns. Events can be moved by
editing the timecode addresses, and events are resorted automatically. In
the Memory column, event type and memory number can be edited. In the
Channel column, the channel number for EQ, dynamics, effects, and
channel library events can be edited. Mix scene events do not have a
Channel value.
2. Use the CURSOR buttons to move up or down the event list, and
the encoder wheel to edit values.
You can edit the following data:
Time Code—the location of the event as a timecode value. The 02R
sorts events by their timecode value.
Memory—the type of the event. You can select from the following
SCENE—scene memory recall. The number indicates the scene
number (from 0 to 96).
EQ.Lib.—EQ library recall. The number indicates the EQ library
number (from 1 to 128).
DY.Lib.—dynamics library recall. The number indicates the
dynamics library number (from 1 to 128).