Song Playback
■[6▲▼] NOTE NAME
When [NOTE NAME] is set to ON, the note name and solfeggio name (do, re, mi, etc.) are indicated.
ABC ................. | Note names are indicated as letters (C, D, E, F, G, A, B). | |
Fixed Do .......... | Note names are indicated in solfeggio and differ depending on the selected language (page 49). | |
| English.............. | Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti |
| French .............. | Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La Si |
| Italian............... | Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si |
| German............ | Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si |
| Spanish............. | Do re Mi Fa Sol La Si |
| Japanese........... |
Movable Do..... | Note names are indicated in solfeggio according to the scale intervals, and as such are relative to | |
| the key. The root note is indicated as Do. For example, in the key of G major the root note of Sol | |
| would be indicated as Do. | |
| As with “Fixed Do,” the indication differs depending on the selected language. |
■[8▲] OK
This closes the detailed setting display and starts generating the notation. You can also execute this by pressing the [ENTER] button on the panel.
■[8▼] CANCEL
This closes the detailed setting display without changing the settings. You can also execute this by pressing the [EXIT] button or [RECORD] button on the panel.
You can select the display pages (one before and after) by the using the [BACK]/ [NEXT] buttons or the pedal (page 139).