Song Playback


When [NOTE NAME] is set to ON, the note name and solfeggio name (do, re, mi, etc.) are indicated.

ABC .................

Note names are indicated as letters (C, D, E, F, G, A, B).

Fixed Do ..........

Note names are indicated in solfeggio and differ depending on the selected language (page 49).



Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti


French ..............

Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La Si



Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si



Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si



Do re Mi Fa Sol La Si




Movable Do.....

Note names are indicated in solfeggio according to the scale intervals, and as such are relative to


the key. The root note is indicated as Do. For example, in the key of G major the root note of Sol


would be indicated as Do.


As with “Fixed Do,” the indication differs depending on the selected language.

[8] OK

This closes the detailed setting display and starts generating the notation. You can also execute this by pressing the [ENTER] button on the panel.


This closes the detailed setting display without changing the settings. You can also execute this by pressing the [EXIT] button or [RECORD] button on the panel.

You can select the display pages (one before and after) by the using the [BACK]/ [NEXT] buttons or the pedal (page 139).
