
Configures the network settings.

S e t u p


S p e a k e r

I n f o r m a t i o n


I P A d d r e s s

S o u n d

M A C A d d r e s s F i l t e r

IP Address

Configures the network parameters (such as IP address).


Select whether to use a DHCP server.



D M C C o n t r o l

F u n c t i o n

N e t w o r k

S t a n d b y

N e t w o r k

N e t w o r k

N a m e


Does not use a DHCP server. Configure the network parameters manually. For details, see “Manual network settings”.

L a n g u a g e

N e t w o r k U p d a t e

On (default)

Uses a DHCP server to automatically obtain the unit’s network parameters (such as IP address).


Displays the network information on the unit.


The connection status of the NETWORK jack

MAC Address

MAC address



IP Address

IP address



Subnet Mask

Subnet mask



Default Gateway

The IP address of the default gateway



DNS Server (P)

The IP address of the primary DNS server



DNS Server (S)

The IP address of the secondary DNS server



vTuner ID

The ID of the Internet radio (vTuner)



Manual network settings

1Set “DHCP” to “Off”.

2Use the cursor keys (q/w) to select a parameter type.

IP Address

Specifies an IP address.

Subnet Mask

Specifies a subnet mask.



Default Gateway

Specifies the IP address of the default gateway.



DNS Server (P)

Specifies the IP address of the primary DNS server.



DNS Server (S)

Specifies the IP address of the secondary DNS server.



3Use the cursor keys (e/r) to move the edit position and the cursor keys (q/w) to select a value.

4To exit from the menu, press SETUP.

CONFIGURATIONS Configuring various functions (Setup menu)

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