ZPL II was sent to printer, but | Communications parameters or | See “Operation” and perform MODE |
not recognized. The DATA | DIP switches are set incor- | Key Self Test. Check for format or |
light remains OFF. | rectly. | overrun errors. Reset Communication |
| parameters if needed. |
| Prefix and delimiter characters | Set the characters in the printer to |
| set in printer configuration do | match ZPL II format. Check Configu- |
| not match the ones sent in the | ration Label for correct characters. If |
| ZPL II label formats. | problem continues, check the ZPL II |
| format for changed ^CC, ^CT, and |
| ^CD instructions. |
Printer does not operate in the | Bank 2 DIP switches set to | Check Bank 2 DIP switch settings. |
mode specified in ZPL II or by | override ZPL II and calibra- |
calibration | tion. |
Printer does not feed media | Printer not set up correctly. | See “Configuration and Calibration” — |
with black marks correctly. |
| recalibrate printer. |
| See “Configuration and Calibration” to |
| check Bank 2 DIP switch settings. |
| Sensor is broken. (No red light | Call a service technician. |
| is visible when looking through |
| the front of the printer with the |
| printhead open.) |
In Cutter Mode, skewed or | Cutter is dirty. | Follow cutter module cleaning proce- |
stuck labels. |
| dure in “Preventive Maintenance.” |
The cutter is not cutting labels | Cutter is dirty. | Follow cutter module cleaning proce- |
cleanly. |
| dure in “Preventive Maintenance.” |
| Cutter blades are dull. | Replace the Cutter Module. |
Labels jamming in cutter, or la- | Cutter is dirty. | Follow cutter module cleaning proce- |
bels are being cut more than |
| dure in “Preventive Maintenance.” |
once. |
| |
| Label length is too short. | Increase label length. |
Zebra |