Other Typical Errors
1/20/15 P1071336-002
Other Typical Errors
While SSL/TLS connection errors are the most common, there are issues that can arise that
prevent a successful connection. This section highlights the most common issues.
Error Cause / Solution
This message typically indicates that connection to the remote
server was lost. The connection can either be lost due to the
server powering off or resetting, the firewall or proxy server
shutting down the connection, or because the remote server
gracefully requests that the connection be discontinued.
Note • After 60 seconds of inactivity on the connection
the printer will attempt to contact the server via a TCP
Keepalive. If the connection is still present the server
will respond and the connection will remain open. After
10 successive failed attempts to contact the remote the
printer will assume the connection is severed and close
the connection. The printer will resume it's attempt to
connect to the remote server so that when the server
comes back online the printer will re-establish
If this error is seen one or more of the ‘#’ values will be set to 0.
This is an indication of an incorrect configuration of the remote
server. Ensure that the remote server is setup according to the
Servlet configuration in the Zebra Link-OS SDK
This typically indicates an incorrect version of the remote
Application Server (for example, Apache/Tomcat version may
be incorrect). If this issue persists contact Zebra Technical