Thank you for choosing the Eltron P520 Plastic Card Printer.
Eltron’s P series card printers offer a low cost, high quality solution to those requiring
This manual guides you to efficient start up and operation of your new Card Printer.
The Eltron Product Number tells a story:
Here is a quick review of the Eltron Card Printer Series numbering and lettering system to help you.
The P520 Plastic Card Printer employs Dye Sublimation and Resin Thermal Transfer technologies. Model numbers include identifiers that specify options are shown using the following lettering conventions:
P520 C - X X X X X - X X X
Smart Card:
O = No
E = Yes
Magnetic Encoder:
O = No
M = Yes
Magnetic Encoder Options:
O = No
1 = Stripe down HICO
2 = Stripe Down LOCO
3 = Stripe Up HICO
4 = Stripe Up LOCO
O = Standard
P = Parallel (Centronics 36 pins)
O = WindCard Cd only F = Windows driver only B = WindCard & drivers
O = No manual
A = English & Spanish
B = French & German
I = Italian
P = Brazilian Portugese C = Chinese
J = Japanese
Power Cord:
O = None
A = 120 VAC
E = 220 VAC
U = UK