ES-2108/ES-2108-G User’s Guide

SSH Implementation 123 Static MAC address 24, 77, 101 Static MAC forwarding 77

Static VLAN 71

Control 72

Tagging 72

Status 40, 51

LED 37

Link aggregation 94 Port 51

Port details 52 STP 82 VLAN 70

STP 81 Bridge ID 83 Bridge priority 85 Configuration 84 Designated bridge 81 Forwarding Delay 85 Hello BPDU 82 Hello Time 83, 85 How it works 82 Max Age 83, 85 Path cost 81, 85 Port priority 85

Port state 82 Root port 81 Status 82 Terminology 81

STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) 24 Strict Priority Queuing (SPQ) 103 Subnet Masks 206 Subnetting 206

Supply Voltage 3

Support E-mail 5

SVLAN Table 181

Sweden, Contact Information 6 Swimming Pool 3

Switch lockout 43 Switch reset 43 Switch setup 60 Syntax Conventions 21

sys Commands examples 165, 171, 175

sys log disp 166, 171, 175 sys sw mac list 168 System information 57 System log 131 System reboot 114 System up time 52


Tagged VLAN 67 Telecommunication Line Cord. 3 Telephone 5

Thunderstorm 3

Time Current 59 Time zone 59 Timeserver 59

Time (RFC-868) 59

Time service protocol 59 Time format 59

Time zone 59 Timeserver 59

Transceiver Installation 35 Removal 36

Trap Destination 120

Traps 119 Trunk group 93 Trunking 24, 93

Type of Service (ToS) 107


UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) 59


Vendor 3

Ventilation 29

Ventilation holes 29

Ventilation Slots 3

VID 64, 67, 70

Number of possible VIDs 67 Priority frame 67

VID (VLAN Identifier) 67

VLAN 59, 67

Acceptable frame type 73 Automatic registration 68 Explicit Tagging 181

ID 67

ID (VID) 182 Implicit Tagging 181 Ingress filtering 73 Introduction 59
