Appendix F Legal Information
NBG-419N User’s Guide
11 General
This License Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and governed by the laws
of Republic of China without regard to conflicts of laws provisions thereof. The
exclusive forum for any disputes arising out of or relating to this License
Agreement shall be an appropriate court or Commercial Arbitration Association
sitting in ROC, Taiwan. This License Agreement shall constitute the entire
Agreement between the parties hereto. This License Agreement, the rights
granted hereunder, the Software and Documentation shall not be assigned by you
without the prior written consent of ZyXEL. Any waiver or modification of this
License Agreement shall only be effective if it is in writing and signed by both
parties hereto. If any part of this License Agreement is found invalid or
unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this License
Agreement shall be interpreted so as to reasonably effect the intention of the
Note: NOTE: Some components of the Vantage CNM 2.3 incorporate source code
covered under the Apache License, GPL License, LGPL License, Sun License,
and Castor License. To obtain the source code covered under those Licenses,
please check to get it.