Chapter 4 Bandwidth Management Wizard

2Click BANDWIDTH MANAGEMENT SETUP to configure the system for Internet access and wireless connection.

Figure 38 Wizard: Welcome

3Activate bandwidth management and select to allocate bandwidth to packets based on the service requirements.

Figure 39 Bandwidth Management Wizard: General Information

The following fields describe the label in this screen.

Table 19 Bandwidth Management Wizard: General Information




Select the Active check box to have the ZyXEL Device apply bandwidth


management to traffic going out through the ZyXEL Device’s port(s).


Select Services Setup to allocate bandwidth based on the service requirements.




Click Back to display the previous screen.




Click Next to proceed to the next screen.




Click Exit to close the wizard screen without saving.



4Use the second wizard screen to select the services that you want to apply bandwidth management and select the priorities that you want to apply to the services listed.



P-660HW-Tx v3 User’s Guide