Emerson 644 Link Active Scheduler Block Installation, Resource Transducer Analog Input Other

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Reference Manual

00809-0400-4728, Rev AA June 2011

Rosemount 644


When an upstream block is set to OOS, this will impact the output status of all downstream blocks. The figure below depicts the hierarchy of blocks:

Link Active Scheduler

Block Installation






Analog Input









(AI Block)



























The 644 can be designated to act as the backup Link Active Scheduler (LAS) in the event that the designated LAS is disconnected from the segment. As the backup LAS, the 644 will take over the management of communications until the host is restored.

The host system may provide a configuration tool specifically designed to designate a particular device as a backup LAS. Otherwise, this can be configured manually as follows:

1. Access the Management Information Base (MIB) for the 644. To activate the LAS capability, write 0x02 to the BOOT_OPERAT_FUNCTIONAL_CLASS object (Index 605). To deactivate, write 0x01.

2.Restart the device.

Rosemount devices are pre-configured with function blocks at the factory, the default permanent configuration for the 644 is listed below. The 644 can have up to ten additional instantiated function blocks.

2 Analog Input Blocks (tag names AI 1300, AI 1400)

1 Proportional/Integral/Derivative Block (tag name PID 1500)

The 644 supports the use of Function Block Instantiation. When a device supports block instantiation, the number of blocks and block types can be defined to match specific application needs.The number of blocks that can be instantiated is only limited by the amount of memory within the device and the block types that are supported by the device. Instantiation does not apply to standard device blocks like the Resource, Sensor Transducer, LCD Transducer, and Advanced Diagnostics Blocks.

By reading the parameter “FREE_SPACE” in the Resource block you can determine how many blocks you can instantiate. Each block that you instantiate takes up 4.5% of the “FREE_SPACE.”

Block instantiation is done by the host control system or configuration tool, but not all hosts are required to implement this functionality. Please refer to your specific host or configuration tool manual for more information.


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Contents 00809-0400-4728, Rev AA June Reference ManualPage Table of Contents Appendix a Specifications Reference DataAppendix B TOC-2Customer Central National Response Center International Rosemount Temperature TransmittersPage Section Introduction Safety MessagesExplosions could result in death or serious injury Process leaks could result in death or serious injuryManual OverviewTransmitter Considerations 250 C 482 F Oven Temperature 5 6 7 8 Extension Length 22 20 815 C 1500 F Oven TemperatureExample AboveSection Installation Bench Calibration? Within Specifications? Refer to ConfigurationSimulate Sensor Input Mounting From draining into the transmitter housingMounting a 644H to a DIN Rail Rail asymmetricTypical European Installation InstallationHead Mount Transmitter with DIN Plate Style Sensor Head Mount Transmitter with Threaded Sensor Typical North American InstallationInstalling the LCD Display LCD Display InstallationPower terminals does not drop below 9 Vdc WiringThermocouple or Millivolt Inputs Sensor ConnectionsSensor Input Approximate Basic Error Sensor Lead Wire Resistance Effect- RTD InputRTD or Ohm Inputs Error due to amb. temp. var. of ± 25 C Pt100 2-wire RTDFoundation fieldbus Installation Power SupplyGround the Transmitter Ungrounded Thermocouple, mV, and RTD/Ohm InputsGrounded Thermocouple Inputs Overview Safety Messages Section ConfigurationDevice Description Node Address General Block InformationModes AutoResource Transducer Analog Input Other Link Active Scheduler Block InstallationFoundation Fieldbus Function Blocks CapabilitiesResource Block FeaturesUnicode ReportsFailedalarms FeaturesselMaxnotify PlantWeb AlertsFailedmask MaintalarmsRecommended Actions for PlantWeb Alerts Advisory AlarmsRecommendedaction Sensor Transducer Block Configure the AI blockAnalog Input AI Function Block DampingLtype Pressure Channel Temperature ChannelXdscale and Outscale Transducer Block Configuration ExamplesFiltering Process AlarmsOutd AlarmtypeDisplayparamsel LCD Transducer BlockBLKTYPE#1 PARAMINDEX#1Overview Operation and MaintenanceUNITSTYPE#1 CUSTOMUNITS#1Troubleshooting guide Troubleshooting GuidesProblems with communications flowchart Calpointlo + Calminspan Recall Factory Trim DiagnosticsBlock Blockerr messages Sensor Transducer Block Xderr messagesCalibrationerr DescriptionStatus Manual ModeSimulation SimulatePower Up Troubleshooting AI blockSymptom Possible Causes Recommended Actions 00809-0400-4728, Rev AA June AI Blockerr Conditions8lists conditions reported in the Blockerr parameter Block Errors10. Resource Block Condition NameSymptom Possible Causes Recommended Action Self Test Procedure for the LCDAuto Specifications Appendix a Specifications Reference DataFunctionalInputs Physical Performance Rosemount Conformance to Specifications Foundation Fieldbus SpecificationsFunction Blocks 2 σ -1 σAlarms Power SupplyBackup Link Active Scheduler LAS Software Upgrade in the FieldTable A-1. Rosemount 644 Input Options and Accuracy AccuracyAccuracy Example Table A-2. Ambient Temperature Effect Ambient Temperature EffectThermocouples Temperature Effects Examples 644H DIN a Head Mount Dimensional DrawingsMounting LCD Display00809-0400-4728, Rev AA JuneLCD Display Cover Sanitary Housing CoversRing 76.2 27.9 74.4 25.4 44.5 70.0 Options Ordering InformationAlarm Level Configuration Standard Configuration StandardAssemble To Options Standard Enclosure Options StandardConsiderations TaggingConfiguration tool Transmitter ConfigurationWith DeltaV, with AMS, or other Foundation fieldbus host or Custom Configuration Standard Foundation fieldbus ConfigurationRequirements Option Code Specification Standard Block ConfigurationAppendix B Product Certifications CE Electromagnetic Compatibility Compliance TestingAtex Directive 94/9/EC North American Certifications Hazardous Locations CertificatesRosemount 644 with Foundation fieldbus Fisco Loop/Power Terminals Loop/Power TerminalsEuropean Certifications Special Conditions for Safe UseIECEx Certifications Temperature ClassTo 60 C Fisco Group IIC To 80 CTransmitter I.S Transmitter Fisco Sensor Table B-3. Entity ParametersTransmitter Sensor Schedule of LimitationsPattern Approval for Measuring Instruments See Certificate Ukraine GostApproval Temp Description Group CodeInstallation Drawings Rosemount Rosemount Rosemount 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 2 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 3 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 2 Rosemount Rosemount 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 2 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 3 Appendix C Foundation fieldbus Block Information Basic Setup Resource BlockDefinition Index Parameters and DescriptionsFeatures FailedenableFeaturesel Maintenable00809-0400-4728, Rev AA Parameters Descriptions Sensor Transducer BlockDescription Effects transmitter operation Primaryvaluetype PrimaryvaluerangeSensrdetailedstatus CalvandusencoeffSESNOR1DAMPING XderrorTransducerdirectory TransducertypeAnalog Input AI Function Block Analog Measurement AccessOutd Cutoff Filter Convert CalcAckoption AI Parameter TableLolopri Table C-4. LCD Transducer Block Parameters and Descriptions LCD Transducer BlockParameter Index Description Table C-5. PID Block Parameters and Descriptions PID BlockParameter Index Index Bad Uncertain Ungrounded Wiring MODEBLK.TARGETLolim Lololim Lolopri Lopri Lower Trim Method DIN Rail Threaded SensorGrounded Ungrounded Wiring Limited Man Mode Unicode UNITSTYPE# Upper Trim MethodSecurity Self Test Direct Zero TrimIndex-4 Page Emerson Process Management Rosemount Inc Temperature GmbH Pacific Private Limited