Emerson 644 manual Ltype, Xdscale and Outscale, Pressure Channel Temperature Channel

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Rosemount 644

Reference Manual

00809-0400-4728, Rev AA June 2011


The L_TYPE parameter defines the relationship of the sensor measurement (sensor temperature) to the desired output temperature of the AI Block. The relationship can be direct or indirect.


Select direct when the desired output will be the same as the sensor measurement (sensor temperature).


Select indirect when the desired output is a calculated measurement based on the sensor measurement (e.g. ohm or mV). The relationship between the sensor measurement and the calculated measurement will be linear.


The XD_SCALE and OUT_SCALE each include four parameters: 0%, 100%, engineering units, and precision (decimal point). Set these based on the L_TYPE:

L_TYPE is Direct

When the desired output is the measured variable, set the XD_SCALE to represent the operating range of the process. Set OUT_SCALE to match XD_SCALE.

L_TYPE is Indirect

When an inferred measurement is made based on the sensor measurement, set the XD_SCALE to represent the operating range that the sensor will see in the process. Determine the inferred measurement values that correspond to the XD_SCALE 0 and 100% points and set these for the OUT_SCALE.


To avoid configuration errors, only select Engineering Units for XD_SCALE and OUT_SCALE that are supported by the device. The supported units are:

Pressure (Channel 1)

Temperature (Channel 2)













When the engineering units of the XD_SCALE are selected, this causes the engineering units of the PRIMARY_VALUE_RANGE in the Transducer Block to change to the same units. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO CHANGE THE ENGINEERING UNITS IN THE SENSOR TRANSDUCER BLOCK, PRIMARY_VALUE_RANGE parameter.


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Contents Reference Manual 00809-0400-4728, Rev AA JunePage Table of Contents Specifications Reference Data Appendix aAppendix B TOC-2Rosemount Temperature Transmitters Customer Central National Response Center InternationalPage Safety Messages Section IntroductionExplosions could result in death or serious injury Process leaks could result in death or serious injuryTransmitter OverviewManual Considerations 22 20 815 C 1500 F Oven Temperature 250 C 482 F Oven Temperature 5 6 7 8 Extension LengthExample AboveSection Installation Simulate Sensor Input Within Specifications? Refer to ConfigurationBench Calibration? From draining into the transmitter housing MountingMounting a 644H to a DIN Rail Rail asymmetricHead Mount Transmitter with DIN Plate Style Sensor InstallationTypical European Installation Typical North American Installation Head Mount Transmitter with Threaded SensorLCD Display Installation Installing the LCD DisplayWiring Power terminals does not drop below 9 VdcSensor Connections Thermocouple or Millivolt InputsRTD or Ohm Inputs Sensor Lead Wire Resistance Effect- RTD InputSensor Input Approximate Basic Error Pt100 2-wire RTD Error due to amb. temp. var. of ± 25 CPower Supply Foundation fieldbus InstallationGround the Transmitter Ungrounded Thermocouple, mV, and RTD/Ohm InputsGrounded Thermocouple Inputs Section Configuration Overview Safety MessagesGeneral Block Information Device Description Node AddressModes AutoLink Active Scheduler Block Installation Resource Transducer Analog Input OtherCapabilities Foundation Fieldbus Function BlocksFeatures Resource BlockUnicode ReportsFeaturessel FailedalarmsMaxnotify PlantWeb AlertsMaintalarms FailedmaskRecommendedaction Advisory AlarmsRecommended Actions for PlantWeb Alerts Configure the AI block Sensor Transducer BlockAnalog Input AI Function Block DampingXdscale and Outscale Pressure Channel Temperature ChannelLtype Configuration Examples Transducer BlockProcess Alarms FilteringAlarmtype OutdLCD Transducer Block DisplayparamselBLKTYPE#1 PARAMINDEX#1Operation and Maintenance OverviewUNITSTYPE#1 CUSTOMUNITS#1Troubleshooting Guides Troubleshooting guideProblems with communications flowchart Calpointlo + Calminspan Diagnostics Recall Factory TrimBlock Blockerr messages Sensor Transducer Block Xderr messagesDescription CalibrationerrManual Mode StatusSimulation SimulateTroubleshooting AI block Power UpSymptom Possible Causes Recommended Actions 00809-0400-4728, Rev AA June AI Blockerr ConditionsBlock Errors 8lists conditions reported in the Blockerr parameter10. Resource Block Condition NameAuto Self Test Procedure for the LCDSymptom Possible Causes Recommended Action FunctionalInputs Appendix a Specifications Reference DataSpecifications Physical Performance Foundation Fieldbus Specifications Rosemount Conformance to SpecificationsFunction Blocks 2 σ -1 σPower Supply AlarmsBackup Link Active Scheduler LAS Software Upgrade in the FieldAccuracy Example AccuracyTable A-1. Rosemount 644 Input Options and Accuracy Thermocouples Ambient Temperature EffectTable A-2. Ambient Temperature Effect Temperature Effects Examples Dimensional Drawings 644H DIN a Head MountLCD Display Mounting00809-0400-4728, Rev AA JuneRing 76.2 27.9 74.4 25.4 44.5 70.0 Sanitary Housing CoversLCD Display Cover Ordering Information OptionsConfiguration Standard Alarm Level Configuration StandardAssemble To Options Standard Enclosure Options StandardTagging ConsiderationsWith DeltaV, with AMS, or other Foundation fieldbus host or Transmitter ConfigurationConfiguration tool Standard Foundation fieldbus Configuration Custom ConfigurationRequirements Option Code Specification Standard Block ConfigurationAtex Directive 94/9/EC CE Electromagnetic Compatibility Compliance TestingAppendix B Product Certifications Rosemount 644 with Foundation fieldbus Hazardous Locations CertificatesNorth American Certifications Loop/Power Terminals Fisco Loop/Power TerminalsEuropean Certifications Special Conditions for Safe UseTemperature Class IECEx CertificationsTo 60 C Fisco Group IIC To 80 CTable B-3. Entity Parameters Transmitter I.S Transmitter Fisco SensorTransmitter Sensor Schedule of LimitationsUkraine Gost Pattern Approval for Measuring Instruments See CertificateApproval Temp Description Group CodeInstallation Drawings Rosemount Rosemount Rosemount 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 2 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 3 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 2 Rosemount Rosemount 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 2 00809-0100-4728, Rev AA June Sheet 3 Definition Basic Setup Resource BlockAppendix C Foundation fieldbus Block Information Parameters and Descriptions IndexFailedenable FeaturesFeaturesel Maintenable00809-0400-4728, Rev AA Description Effects transmitter operation Sensor Transducer BlockParameters Descriptions Primaryvaluerange PrimaryvaluetypeSensrdetailedstatus CalvandusencoeffXderror SESNOR1DAMPINGTransducerdirectory TransducertypeAnalog Measurement Access Analog Input AI Function BlockOutd Cutoff Filter Convert CalcAI Parameter Table AckoptionLolopri Parameter Index Description LCD Transducer BlockTable C-4. LCD Transducer Block Parameters and Descriptions Parameter Index PID BlockTable C-5. PID Block Parameters and Descriptions Index Ungrounded Wiring MODEBLK.TARGET Bad UncertainLolim Lololim Lolopri Lopri Lower Trim Method DIN Rail Threaded SensorLimited Man Mode Unicode UNITSTYPE# Upper Trim Method Grounded Ungrounded WiringSecurity Self Test Direct Zero TrimIndex-4 Page Temperature GmbH Pacific Private Limited Emerson Process Management Rosemount Inc