Getting Ready
IPP Printing
1Check that all of the accessories have been included in the package. (“3 Checking the Accessories”)
2Connect the network cable. (“4 Connecting the Network Cable”)
3Specify the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway settings for the copier. (“5 Assigning an IP Address”)
4Print the Configuration Page and check the settings. (“6 Printing the Configuration Page”)
The Configuration Page cannot be printed for copiers that are not equipped with the fax function.
5Install the printer driver. Add a network port during the installation of the printer driver.
❍For instructions on installing the GDI driver, refer to “GDI Printer Controller” in the manual provided with the copier. For instructions on installing the optional PCL driver, refer to “PCL Printer Controller” in the manual provided with the PCL printer controller. For details on specifying the network port, refer to “7 Connecting the Computer and Copier”.