Most of the options you’ll want to set are available on these two windows:
•Image Settings: clicking the Settings button on the main Kodak Scanner window, displays the Image Settings window. From this window you can set your image processing parameters by using the General, Size, Adjustments and Enhancements tab. You can also access the Device settings, by clicking the Device button or the Advanced settings by clicking the Advanced button.
•Device Settings: the Device button is located on the Image Settings window. When you select Device, you will have access to the General and Multifeed tabs. From the Device Settings window, you can also access Diagnostics.
The procedures that follow describe how to configure a customized Setting Shortcut. Complete descriptions of the features and options on the Kodak Scanner window and tabs are found in the section entitled, “The main Kodak Scanner window”.
NOTE: Settings Shortcuts can sometimes be overridden by your scanning application. If this happens, the Shortcut you call will appear in the main Kodak Scanner window in italics with the word <Changed> next to it. This is normal behavior for an application that does not use Settings Shortcuts and downloads its preferred individual settings to the scanner first and then provides access to the TWAIN datasource.
Selecting Image settings From the main Kodak Scanner window:
1.Select a predefined Setting Shortcut from the Settings Shortcuts list box. Choose a Setting Shortcut that describes as closely as possible the image output you desire.
2.Determine if you want to capture an electronic image of the front of
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