2.Determine if you want to capture an electronic image of the front of your document, back of your document or both sides of your document and make the selection from the Input Document is drop- down list. Options are:
•Two Sided — captures both sides of the document
3.Place one or two representative documents in the input tray of the scanner.
NOTE: When scanning one side of a document or if you are using an i1210 or i1310 Scanner, be sure to place the side of the document to be scanned facing the input tray.
4.If you want to see what your selected image processing options will look like and make
This only needs to be done if you want to make interactive adjustments to your selected image processing options.
5.If you are satisfied with your selected image processing options, reload your document if necessary and click Scan.
•If the images are acceptable, the image processing settings are fine and you do not need to click the Settings button to alter any values in the General, Size, Adjustments or Enhancements tabs.
•If the images are not acceptable, you can either select a different predefined Setting Shortcut that more closely describes your desired output or you can continue to work with the Setting Shortcut you have selected by reviewing each setting on the General, Size, Adjustments and Enhancements tabs and make the appropriate changes. When you make any changes, repeat Steps 3 - 5 to until you get the desired results.
6.If you made any changes to a predefined Setting Shortcut, click Save As on the main Kodak Scanner window. The Save As dialog box will be displayed.
7.Enter a new Setting Shortcut name that is meaningful to you and click Save. You have now created and saved a custom Setting Shortcut which can be used for your scanning operations.
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