3.Replace cartridge if ‘intermittent’ ink dropout occurs (no error displayed – see sample image problems below); the cartridge has an internal jetting problem and must be replaced. The customer will need to determine which color is dropping out by inspecting the bands along bottom edge of print.
NOTE: the ‘MAX INK TEMP error’ message may not be displayed when the ink dropout occurs in the examples below; this symptom has been observed with cartridges greater than 700 ml ink throughput).
4.Activate an All Color Test (UTILITY MENU – SERVICE MENU – DIAGNOSTICS – COLOR TEST MENU – ALL COLOR TEST) in the default 6- pass printer mode to fire all cartridges and check overall cartridge performance and ink flow to cartridges.
5.As a preventive measure against future ‘MAX INK TEMP’ errors (and even help recover a cartridge which has already suffered a MAX INK TEMP error) try using the suggested System Prime procedure (refer to step 2 above).
6.If cartridge recovery is not possible then proceed to replace the cartridge (cartridge may have an internal air leak which is causing the ink pressure integrity problem; multiple cartridge failures typically indicate a septum failure).
The alarm message will be cleared when you send a new print job or power cycle the printer. The steps involved to clear the alarm without a power cycle are:
1 - cancel the print job at the host
2 - navigate to the keypad main menu and press RESET 3 - navigate to the alarm display by pressing ALARM
4 - press the MORE INFO key
5 - determine the offending cartridge
6 - access carriage and replace offending cartridge
7 - access carriage back to home position
8 - send a new print job to clear the alarm (a prime printing test or calibration plot will clear the alarm)
Technical Training Guide | 44 |