2. Humidifiers
-The addition of a humidifier can solve print output problems where relative humidity (Rh) is too low (i.e. <30% Rh) and/or when mild grounding problems exist.
The addition of a humidifier can reduce the effects of ESD on printed output. If the humidity in the printing area is increased and the above symptoms disappear then a grounding issue/ESD problem is likely present, but not severe. If the addition of a humidifier solves the problem permanently then no further action may be necessary unless premature cartridge failures occur.
NOTE: Even with adequate grounding measures intact, relative humidity should typically be between
45% and 55% in a normal room temperature environment for the best printing results (ESD suppression and color control).
The suggested temperature range is
3. Ant-Static Mats
-The installation of
3. Air Plenum Grounding
-In low humidity environments static
-If the electrical resistance between the Y- arm assembly and the air plenum is greater than 0.6 ohms then verify the ground strap between the right side of air plenum and the dryer mounting bracket (black) is connected. Perform resistance test across grounding strap while air plenum is in the UP and DOWN positions.
Technical Training Guide | 68 |