Hotkeys changing 24 selecting computers 50
Hotkey sequences 88 codes and macros 102
Hot plugging 35 HTTP port
initial setup 36 local setting 76 remote setting 84 when altered 40
VNC Viewer 93 Indicators 5,48 Initialise button 86 Initialize port
local setting 77 Initial configuration 22 Init string
local setting 77 IntelliMouse 35
IP access control 84,85 calculating mask 98 clearing 78
IP address explanation 96 local setting 76 remote setting 84
IP gateway 84
IP network mask 84 IP network port 5
connecting 11 IP port
connection 11
initial configuration 36 IP port configuration
configuration via viewer 37
ISDN connecting 13 dial up link 64
Keyboard codes sending 62 Keyboard layout
local setting 75 remote setting 81
KVMADMIN utility 44
Local connection 49 Local network
connection 39 Local user
connection 9 port 5
Logging 89 Logging in and out
section 52 Log on 56
MAC address 76,83,84 Mask
explanation 96
for IP access control 98 Menu bar
viewer window 58 Menu key
changing 91 Modem
connecting 13 dial up link 64 port 5
Modem configuration 77 Mounting 7
Mouse calibration 60 control 61 pointers 59 restoration 35 resync 60,61
Multiple video head connections 21
Networking issues 39 Network configuration 76,84 Network port
connecting 11 connection 11
Net mask 76 explanation 96
Operation 48
supplied and extra 6 Password
admin 24 admin - setting 75 forgotten 34 initial setup 36 remote logon 56 setting for users 80
Port number entering 64
Power control connection 15 options 74
Power control port 5 connecting 15
Power strings
for switching 43 Power supply
connecting 14 part number 6 Power switching addressing 15
configuration 43 connection 15 control sequences 43 on & off select 60 user permissions 80 via viewer 60
PPPclient IP address 86 PPP server IP address 86 Preferred encoding 90 Private
access mode 60
Raw 90,95 Refresh screen 61 Reminder banner 53 Remote configuration
advanced unit configuration 82
host configuration 87 logging and status 89 network configuration 84 serial port configuration 86 setting IP access control 85 unit configuration 81 user accounts 80
Remote user cable lengths 10 connection 10 ports 5
Reset configuration 77 Restore Defaults
local setting 77 Resync mouse 61 RJ9 connector 15 Router 40 Routing status 53
Safety information 104
SAM connection 12
VNC Viewer 92 Screen
best resolution 58 calibration 60 navigation 58 refresh 61
Screensaver local setting 75
Security enabling 24 ensuring 42 general steps 24
cascaded computers 52 computers 49
with front panel 49 with hotkeys 50
with mouse buttons 51 with
Serial port
modem connection 13 Serial port configuration 86 Server
configuration 87 Server Access Module
connection 12 Server IP
local setting 77 Setup options 68,72 Shared
access mode 60 Single mouse mode 59,61 Skew adjustment 30 Slow connections
optimising for 58 Supplied items 6 Syslog 89
links to cascaded computers 20
Threshold adjustment 63
local setting 75
Time & date configuration 83 Troubleshooting 66