Followingthe heading,the full form of the commandis given, using the ASCIInamesfor controlcodes,eg <ESC>(theanglebracketson eitherside of thenamearenotpartof thename,beingsimplydelimitem,andshouldnot be entered).Variableparametersrueindicatedby a letter(usually“n”), and an optional number, enclosed in angle brackets (eg cnO>). Where an indefinitenumberof pararnetemare to be supplied,the cos are separated by an ellipsis(“... “). The sequenceis then givenusinghexadecimalcodes (twohexadecimaldigitsfollowedby a lowercase“h”),withvariablesagain representedby letters enclosedin anglebrackets.The decimalequivalent followsthe hexadecimal.The followingis an example:
Examplecommand |
| Both | |
<ESC> | cBS> | <?0 | (codes) |
IBh | 08h | <0 | (hexadecimal) |
I 27 | 8 | <0 | (decimal) \ |
Note that the above command sequence is for example purposes only - it does not have any real function.