Reverseone-timelinefeed (in 1/216 inch Increments) Both
IBh6Ah <*
27106 <m
The commandabove causesa precisereversepaper fmxl,where <n> is a binary value.Onreceiptofthiscommand,thepaperwillbefedbackwardsby<n>/216inch. No carriagereturnwilltakeplace,and thecurrentline spacingvaluewillbe unaf- fected.
Set verticsiprint position(in iines) |
| Both | ||
<ESC> | f | 1 | <m |
IBh | 66h | 31h | <* |
I 27 | 102 | 49 | <m | I |
Thecommandabovesetsthenextverticalprintposition,wherecn> isabinaryvalue specifyingthenumberof lines(atcurrentlinepitchsetting)downfromthecurrent positionat whichprintingwillnexttakeplace.In thecommandthebinarycharacter Olh can be substitutedfor the ASCIIcharacter“l”.
Form feed controlcodes
FormfeedBoth <m
Thecommandabovewillcausea formfeed.Thereare noparameters.On receiptof thiscommand,theprinterwillprintalldatastoredin theprintbuffer,andwillmove to the top of the next page (as determinedby the form lengthset by @! SC>C or <ESC>C< NUb. A carriagereturn(to the leftmargin)willalsotakeplace.If the ASF has been selected,thiscommandfunctionsas a pageejectcommand.