Any other valuesof <n> are invalidand will be ignored.The specialcharacters affectingeach symbolset are givenin Chapter9.
\ Printcontinuouslyfrom the AHCharactersChart IBM I
IBh | 5Ch | C/lb | al> |
I ‘27 | 92 | ah | d> | I |
The commandaboveallowsa seriesof specialcharactersto be printedfrom the controlcodearea(OOhthru IFh),wherethetwoparametersgivethetotalnumberof charactersto be printed(low byte fiist). On receiptof this command,any codes receivedin therangeOOhthroughIFh willnot be interpretedas controlcodes,but will print the characterscorrespondingto thosecodes.This will continuefor the numberof charactersdesignatedby <n@ and <nI>.
I Printasinale characterfrom the All CharacterChart IBM \
<ES(7> | A | 1 |
| |
IBh | 5Eh |
27 | 94 |
Thecommandaboveprintsa singlecharacterffomtheAllCharactersChart.There arenoparameters.Ifthenextcharactertoreprinted hasacodebetw=n OOhand IFh, it willnotbe treatedasa controlcode,and thecharactercorrespondingto thiscode willbe printed.
\ Select/cancelundefinedcontrolcode area | Standard 1 | ||
<ESC> | I | <* |
IBh | 49h | <0 |
I 27 | 73 | <m | I |
Thiscommandselectstheprintablecodeareaexpansion,wherea> maybea binary valueofOOhorOlh, oreitherof theASCIIcharacters“O”or”l” (30hor 3lh). If <n>