If the POWERindicatordoesnot illuminate, checkthe following:
Is the power cable properly plugged into the electrical outlet?
Is power being supplied to the outlet?
Is theprintervoltagecorrect?
Possible remedy
Turnoff theprinter,ensurethepower cable is securely cormec@ andthen turnthe printerback on.
Turn off the printer,unplug i~ and try with another applianceto determineif electricity is beingsuppliedto thatoutlet.
Checkthebottompartelofyourprintertoensurethatthe outletvokagecorrespondstothevoltagerequiredby the printer.If theydo notmatch,DONOT tryto operatethe printer.contact yoursupplier.
If yourprinterdoes not print,or suddenlystopsprinting,checkthe follow- ing:
Is the interface cable con- nected securely?
Is the ONLINEindicatorillu- minated?
Is the PAPER indicatoritlu- minated?
Is the papercaughtup inter- nally?
Is the ribbon caught up aroundthe printhead?
Is the softwareyou areusing properly installed for your Orinter?
Canthe printerperformself- test operations?
Possible remedv | 1 |
Check bothends of the cable - printerandcomputerto make sure thatthe comector is ftiy in position.
Eit is n@ press the ONLINEbUttOn to 5(3 the printeron- line.
If it is, the paperhas nm out. Loadmorepaper.
Turnoff thepower,remove thejammedpaper,replace, tumontheprinter,andcondnueprindng.Makesurethat the leadingedge of the paperis smooth
Turnoff thepower,removethenbbon, retensionit, and replace it- This problemoccurs most frequentlywith a wornribbon.so vou may need to replace the ribbon.
Checkthe installationsettings in yoursoftware,andre- install ifnec+xsary.
Turntheprinteroff, andturnit on again,holdingdown one of thebuttonsto performa