Definedraft downloadcharacter(s) |
| IBM | ||||||
<ESC> | = | al> | 4> | <DC4> cm> | d> | cd> | cdl> | ... | 411> | |
I IBh | 3Dh | cd> | 4> | 14h | cm> | cal> | cd> | ail> | ... | 42>1 |
27 | 61 | al> | 42> | 20 | al> | cd> | 41> | ... | 411> |
Thecommandaboveenablesthe definitionof “soft”charactersto be downloaded. This commandis only valid if “DOWNLOAD”has been selectedin the RAM USAGEmenuof theMemorySwitch(seeChapter3 fordetails),and thedraftmode hasbeen selectedbeforethis commandis executed.
The followingrules are observed.cnl> and d> give the numberof bytes of characterdata that will follow. cm is the charactercode of the frostcharacter defined.al> and CU2>are attributesbytes.’<all>to cdll> are thecharacterdata, and are the sameas in cESC> “&”. Theatrnbutebyte d> indicateswhetherthe characters anascender(notusingthelowestofthenineverticd dots)ora descender (not usingthe highestdot) and whetherit has a downwardextensionto 12dots.
The atrnbutebyte d?>
Charactersdefinedby this commandcan be selectedby cESb % 1,cESC> 14, cESC> 15, or cESC> 16.
Define NLQ downloadcharacter(s) |
| Both | ||
<ESC> | & | <NUb | <cl> | <C2> | cab |
Cal> | d> | <* | . . . | ‘C* |
I IBh | 26h | OOh | ccl> | <C2> | cab |
I Cal> | d> | <* | ... | <0 |
27 | 38 | 0 | ccl> | <C2> | |
Cal> | cd> | <m | ... | <0 |
Thecommandaboveenablesthedefinitionof “soft”charactersto be downloaded. Thefollowingrulesareobserved.<cl> andec2> arebinaryvalueswhichdetermine the characterrange which will be replacedby downloadeddata. For instance,if ccZ>=20handec2>=30h,all charactersfrom20hthrough30hwillbe overwritten by thedownloadeddata.Ifa downloadedcharacteris storedin thearea80hthrough 9Eh, it can only be printed in the characterset #2 mode. It is possibleto store downloadedcharactersin the part of the characterset reserved for IBM block