I Set | IBM | ||
I | <ESC> | 4 |
IBh | 34h | I | |
! | 27 | 52 |
Marginsand verticaltab settingcontrolcodes
I Moveto next verticaitab position | Both |
OBh 11
Thecommandabovemovesthepaperto thenextverticaltabposition.Thereareno parameters.On receiptof thiscommand,the printerprintsdata storedin the print buffer,andthepapermovesto thenextverticaltabpositionor (if rhereare no more verticaltabpositionson thepage),to the topof thenextpage.If no verticaltabpo- sitionshavebeensetwiththecESG B commandor if theyhavebeencleared,the papermovesforwardby one line.
I Set verticaitab positions |
| Both | ||
<ESC> | B | cn~ | ... | <nl> | <NuL> |
IBh | 42h | <n@ | ... | <nl> | OOh |
27 | 66 | Q@ | ... | cnl> | 00 |
The commandabovesets verticaltab positions,where the valuesrepresentedby cnb to