Star Micronics FR-10, FR-15 manual Paper feeding, Correctthis if necessary

Page 78

Paper feeding

If cut sheet paper (withoutthe ASF) is not feeding smoothly,check the following:


Is the paper release lever pushedback (to the ~ posi- tion)? .

Is the paper guide in place andvertical?

Are the left andright guides too close together?

Is the ASF selected with the Memory Switch settings?

Are you tryingto feed paper using the frontpanel buttons while the ON LINE indicator is illuminated?

Is the papertoo thick?

Possible remedy


Set the release lever to the ~ psition.


The paper guide should be in place vertically for cut sheets to feed smoothly.

If the left andright guides are too close together, the paperwill notfeed smoothly.Move themalittle further apt to Now the paperto feed freely.

If it is, thendeselect it.

You can only feed paperin this way when the printeris off-line. Set the printeroff-line andthen feed paper.

Therearelimits to thethicknessof paperthatcanbe fed in this way. Try with thinnerpaper.

If fanfold(continuous)paperisnotbeingfedcorrectlyusingthetractorfeed, check the following:


Is the paper lever pushed to the ~ position?

Is the paperguide in the ver- tical position?

Are theholes on each side of thepaperalignedwithregard to each other in the sprock- e~?

Arethesprocketstoocloseor too far apart?

Are the sprockets locked in position and the covers closed?

Is the paper feeding freely into the printer?

Possible remedy

Makesurethereleaseleveris pushedto the B position.

When using the tractorf~ the paperguide shouldbe horizontal.

Ifthetwosidesof thepaperareoutof alignmen~realign them so thatthe sprocketholes matchup.

Misalignmentof the sprockets, making the paper too loose or tootigh~ will preventa smoothpaperfeed.

Correctthis if necessary.

The papershould not be too fm from the printer(less than 1 meter/3 feet), andthereshould be no cables or other obstacles obstructingits path. The papershould also be feeding straightinto the printer,andan angled feed may cause jams andblockages.


Image 78
Contents MULTI-FONT Page Organizationof this Manual Page Tableof Contents Frontpaneldiagnosticand DIP Switches Troubleshooting and MaintenanceSpecifications Character Sets INSTALLINGAPPLICATIONSOFI’WAREChapter Locatingthe PrinterPage Settingup Print head shield Connection DIP switch covel Loadingpaper Cut-sheetpaperFanfoldpaper continuousstationery Release lever Sprocket cover Once thepaper has been loaded Controlsand Indicators IndicatorsControls Pitchseiting Pitch Panel LockIocpi Fontseiting Font Panel LockQuietmode Paperhandling Form feedPaperparking Short tear-offfunction BUFFERCLEAR/RESET Test and MaintenancesettingsMicro Feed Setting UP the Memoryswitches Page Font Menu CommandMenuMenuoptions LinePrint Menu Printpitch Condensed Print ItalicprintAutoloading FormsMenu Skipover PerforationAutocr Linesper Inch Pagelength Autolf Ramusage Buffer QuietmodeOptionasf Autocr ONI Linesper InchEmulations NumericalrepresentationCommandcodesand Escapesequences Examplecommand Both ESCStandard Font style and characterset controlcodesSelect italic characters Deselectitalic printingSelectfont Both Select charactertable BothSelect internationalcharacterset Esc Select primarycharactersetSeiectsecondarycharacterset OAh\ Printcontinuouslyfrom the AHCharactersChart IBM Printasinale characterfrom the All CharacterChart IBM \ ES7\ Select/cancelundefinedcontrolcode area Standard Fontpitch controlcodes Set condensedprint mode Cancelcondensedprint modeSelect/cancelproportionalprintingBoth Seiectkancei expandedprinting Specialprint mode controlcodesSet or cancel pica proportionalpitch Seiectone-iineexpandedprintingBothCancelone-lineexpandedprint Both Select Masterprint mode BothSelect print mode Selectemphasizedprint mode BothCancelemphasizedprint modeBoth Select/canceloverlineBoth Canceldouble-strikeprintingBothSelect/cancelunderlineBoth Select double-strikeprintingSelect superscriptkubscript Cancelsuperscripthubscript BothLine space controlcodes LinefeedSet iine spacingto 1/6 inch Set linespacingto 1/8 inchSet iine spacingto 7/72 inch Set iine spacingto n/216 inchExecuteESCAdefinitionIBM Set line spacingto n/72 inch StandardDefineline spacing1/72 inch increments One-timelinefeed in 1/216 inch increments BothSet verticsiprint positionin iines Both Form feed controlcodesReverseone-timelinefeed in 1/216 inch Increments Both FormfeedBoth mReversefeed to top of form Both Set page iengthin iines BothMoveto next verticaitab position Marginsand verticaltab settingcontrolcodesSet top-of-form Set verticaitab positions BothSelectverticalform unit VFUchannel Both Set VFU verticaltabsSet bottommargin Canceltop and bottommarginsSet top margin Set left and right margins BothSet right margin Horizontalprint position controlcodesSet left margin Carriagereturn BothSet/cancelautomaticlinefeedIBM Moveto next horizontaltab BothSet/clearhorizontaltabs Both Set horizontalprint position Restoretabs to defaultsettingsSet relativehorizontaltab positions Both EscrSet justificationmode ProducecharacterspaceStandardSelect next horizontalprint positionby dot CopystandardROM font into RAM DownloadedcharactercontrolcodesMove print head ~StandardDefinedraft downloadcharacters IBM Byte4 3rd Graphics Select download/standardcharactersetBothSelect-bitimagemode Both Select 8-dot normaldensity Select8-dot doubl-densitySelect8-dot double-speeddouble-density Redefinebit-imagemode BothSelect9-dot graphics Standard Miscellaneouscodes Set MSBtoSet MSBto O Selectzero stvle Both CancelMSBcontrol BothCancellast character Standard BackspaceBothSet printeron line Cancellast line BothSet printeroff-line Standard Deselectprinter1OcarriagemodelonlyIBMEnablepaper-outdetectionBoth Deselectprinter15 carriagemodelonlySound buzzer Enable/disablebidirectionalprinting Both Enableunidirectionalprintingfor one line only BothDefine macroinstructionBoth Enable/disablelargecharacterprintingBoth Enabie/disabiedoubie-heightmode BothSelectcharacterheight,width, line spacing Set/cancelimmediatemode Both ASF AutomaticSheet FeedercontrolAscii commandsequences SelectautomodeSelect/cancelitalic mint SelecticancelunderlineSekcffcancel expandedprint Both ControlASF 28h 43h 29hPage ’’’’’’’ OFF IBM Ipter6 Troubleshooting and Maintenance TroubleshootingPowersupply PrintjngIf the printoutis not what is expected If the print is faint,or uneven,checkthe followingIf dots are missingin the printing,checkthe following Paper feeding Correctthis if necessaryISthe papertoothick? Following Maintenance Adjustingthe PrintinggapRibbonreplacement Print headshield Replacingthe Printhead Open the top coverPrint headbolts Frontpaneldiagnosticand Test Modes Short test modeStandardmode Test mode Texttest mode Int m T MHexadecimaldumpmode B pNext Lprint BidirectionaltestYadjustmentm E f t m p t PITCH’ b Page I P P I b T r F t y p L o p I s T f D s W t u t ‘Mo a T c M c A h T m T D s F t r A i a d Cu t T p O b u o t @ k cN . D T u E Sampleprogram T t p C cT t p Gosub Restore How theprogram works Hm hAl o t p 1i a c 1i i n 1I n I n S 1o cHP a Patchesnecessaryto use the BASICinterpreterT h A N N c O t‘ J 8oX + 3 c8kg 17.61b DATA2 B f T a l ’TI%E14i Il-.1l 11691 11851 I2 mLther charactem are identical to Standard character set #1 ‘ 1’ iJ ‘ iz ‘ ,i 1831 I S t 1 b t P b s 7 on b a 1 1 1 1@ & u 0 a u 6 e 110 Index Page Star Micronics AMERICA, INC Star Micronics Deutschland Gmbh