I Selectfont |
| Both |
<ESC> | k | <0 |
IBh | 6Bh | <0 |
27 | 107 | <n | I |
Thecommandaboveselectsa typefaeeforsubsequentNLQprinting,where<n>is
abinaryvaluein the rangeof OOhto 07h. The followingtableshowsthe effectof differentvaluesof thisparameter:
| Binary |
| Selectedfont |
| Binary |
| Selectedfont |
| Value |
| Vatue |
| 1 | ||
I | OOh | I | Courier | I 04h | I | Script | I | |
I | Olh | I | Sanserif | I 05h | ] | I | ||
I | 02h | I | I | 06h | I | TW.Li~ht | I | |
| I | 07h | I | Cinema | I |
Any otherparametersare invalidand will be ignored.This commandwillalso be ignoredif FontPanelLockhas beenselected.
Select charactertable |
| Both | |
<ESC> | t | <* |
IBh | 74h | <0 |
| 116 | <0 | I |
Theeommandabovewillselectthecharaetertabletobeusedinsubsequentprinting, where<n>canbea binaryorASCIIvaluefromOOhthrough02hor”O”through“2”. The followingtableshowstheeffectof thisparameter:
I Value of cO | I Description |
OOhor “O” | I Selects standard character table |
Olh or “i” | I Selects IBM character table |
02h or “2” | Moves character set downloaded in OOhto 7Fh area to |
| 80h to FFh area |
Anyothervaluesare invalidand willbe ignored,