Star Micronics FR-10, FR-15 manual Set/cancelimmediatemode Both, ASF AutomaticSheet Feedercontrol

Page 68


Both ]









I 27




Thecommandaboveselectsor cancelsthe“immediate”print mode,wherecn> is a binmyvalueof eitherOOhor Olh or an ASCIIvalueof either“O”or “l”. If <n>is set to OOhor “O”,thenimmediateprintingis cancelled.If ~ is set to Olh or “l”, thenimmediateprintingis enabled.In immediateprintmode,eachcharacteris sent straightto theprintheadas it is receivedfromthehostcomputer(unbuffered),and the papermovesup so that it is possibleto read what is on the paper,similarto a typewriter.

~ Reset












Thecommandaboveresetstheprinter.Themare no parameters.On receiptof this command,thebufferis cleared,andall settings(withthefollowingexceptions)are restoredto theirpower-upvalues.

ASF settingsmadewith the cESC> EM command “ Panelmodesettings

ASF (AutomaticSheet Feeder)control



IBh19h <#

2725 <*


Image 68
Contents MULTI-FONT Page Organizationof this Manual Page Tableof Contents DIP Switches Troubleshooting and Maintenance Specifications Character SetsFrontpaneldiagnosticand INSTALLINGAPPLICATIONSOFI’WAREChapter Locatingthe PrinterPage Settingup Print head shield Connection DIP switch covel Loadingpaper Cut-sheetpaperFanfoldpaper continuousstationery Release lever Sprocket cover Once thepaper has been loaded Controls Controlsand IndicatorsIndicators Iocpi PitchseitingPitch Panel Lock Quietmode FontseitingFont Panel Lock Paperparking PaperhandlingForm feed Short tear-offfunction Micro Feed BUFFERCLEAR/RESETTest and Maintenancesettings Setting UP the Memoryswitches Page CommandMenu MenuoptionsFont Menu LineAutoloading Print MenuPrintpitch Condensed Print Italicprint Autocr Linesper Inch Pagelength FormsMenuSkipover Perforation Ramusage Buffer Quietmode OptionasfAutolf Autocr ONI Linesper InchEmulations NumericalrepresentationCommandcodesand Escapesequences Examplecommand Both ESCFont style and characterset controlcodes Select italic charactersStandard Deselectitalic printingSelectfont Both Select charactertable BothSelect primarycharacterset SeiectsecondarycharactersetSelect internationalcharacterset Esc OAh\ Select/cancelundefinedcontrolcode area Standard \ Printcontinuouslyfrom the AHCharactersChart IBMPrintasinale characterfrom the All CharacterChart IBM \ ES7 Fontpitch controlcodes Select/cancelproportionalprintingBoth Set condensedprint modeCancelcondensedprint mode Specialprint mode controlcodes Set or cancel pica proportionalpitchSeiectkancei expandedprinting Seiectone-iineexpandedprintingBothCancelone-lineexpandedprint Both Select Masterprint mode BothCancelemphasizedprint modeBoth Select print modeSelectemphasizedprint mode Both Canceldouble-strikeprintingBoth Select/cancelunderlineBothSelect/canceloverlineBoth Select double-strikeprintingCancelsuperscripthubscript Both Line space controlcodesSelect superscriptkubscript LinefeedSet linespacingto 1/8 inch Set iine spacingto 7/72 inchSet iine spacingto 1/6 inch Set iine spacingto n/216 inchSet line spacingto n/72 inch Standard Defineline spacing1/72 inch incrementsExecuteESCAdefinitionIBM One-timelinefeed in 1/216 inch increments BothForm feed controlcodes Reverseone-timelinefeed in 1/216 inch Increments BothSet verticsiprint positionin iines Both FormfeedBoth mReversefeed to top of form Both Set page iengthin iines BothMarginsand verticaltab settingcontrolcodes Set top-of-formMoveto next verticaitab position Set verticaitab positions BothSelectverticalform unit VFUchannel Both Set VFU verticaltabsCanceltop and bottommargins Set top marginSet bottommargin Set left and right margins BothHorizontalprint position controlcodes Set left marginSet right margin Carriagereturn BothSet/clearhorizontaltabs Both Set/cancelautomaticlinefeedIBMMoveto next horizontaltab Both Restoretabs to defaultsettings Set relativehorizontaltab positions BothSet horizontalprint position EscrSelect next horizontalprint positionby dot Set justificationmodeProducecharacterspaceStandard Downloadedcharactercontrolcodes Move print headCopystandardROM font into RAM ~StandardDefinedraft downloadcharacters IBM Byte4 3rd Select-bitimagemode Both GraphicsSelect download/standardcharactersetBoth Select 8-dot normaldensity Select8-dot doubl-densitySelect9-dot graphics Standard Select8-dot double-speeddouble-densityRedefinebit-imagemode Both Set MSBto O MiscellaneouscodesSet MSBto CancelMSBcontrol Both Cancellast character StandardSelectzero stvle Both BackspaceBothCancellast line Both Set printeroff-line StandardSet printeron line Deselectprinter1OcarriagemodelonlyIBMSound buzzer Enablepaper-outdetectionBothDeselectprinter15 carriagemodelonly Define macroinstructionBoth Enable/disablebidirectionalprinting BothEnableunidirectionalprintingfor one line only Both Enable/disablelargecharacterprintingBoth Enabie/disabiedoubie-heightmode BothSelectcharacterheight,width, line spacing Set/cancelimmediatemode Both ASF AutomaticSheet FeedercontrolAscii commandsequences SelectautomodeSekcffcancel expandedprint Both Select/cancelitalic mintSelecticancelunderline ControlASF 28h 43h 29hPage ’’’’’’’ OFF IBM Ipter6 Troubleshooting and Maintenance TroubleshootingPowersupply PrintjngIf dots are missingin the printing,checkthe following If the printoutis not what is expectedIf the print is faint,or uneven,checkthe following Paper feeding Correctthis if necessaryISthe papertoothick? Following Maintenance Adjustingthe PrintinggapRibbonreplacement Print headshield Replacingthe Printhead Open the top coverPrint headbolts Standardmode Frontpaneldiagnosticand Test ModesShort test mode Test mode Texttest mode Int m T MNext Lprint HexadecimaldumpmodeB p BidirectionaltestYadjustmentm E f t m p t PITCH’ b Page I P P I b T r F t y p L o p I s T f D s W t u t ‘Mo a T c M c A h T m T D s F t r A i a d N . D T u E Cu tT p O b u o t @ k c T t p SampleprogramT t p C c Gosub Restore How theprogram works Hm hAl o t p 1i a c 1i i n 1I n I n S 1o cPatchesnecessaryto use the BASICinterpreter T hHP a A N N c O t‘ J 8oX + 3 c8kg 17.61b DATA2 B f T a l ’TI%E14i Il-.1l 11691 11851 I2 mLther charactem are identical to Standard character set #1 ‘ 1’ iJ ‘ iz ‘ ,i 1831 I S t 1 b t P b s @ & u 0 a u 6 e 7 on b a1 1 1 1 110 Index Page Star Micronics AMERICA, INC Star Micronics Deutschland Gmbh