Essentially,yourprinterisa robustpieceof equipment,butshouldbetreated with a modicumof cam in orderto avoidmalfimctions.For example:
●Keepyourprinterin a ’’comfortable”environment.Roughlyspeaking,if
youamcomfortable,thentheenvironmentis suitableforyourprinter,too ,(see Chapter1).
s Do not subjectthe printerto physicalshocksor excessivevibration.
sTo clean the exteriorof the printer,use a barely damp cloth (use either waterwitha littledetergentor alittlealcohol),butdonot allowanyliquid to fall insidethe printer.
●The interiorof thepnntermay be cleanedwithasmallvacuum cleaneror a
Thedistance between the print head and the platen can be adjusted to accommodate different paper thicknesses. To make this adjustment, remove the top cover. The adjustment lever is located near the left end of the paper bail. Fulling the adjustment lever towards you widens the gap; pushing it away from you narrows the gap.
There are fourpositions;you can feel the leverclickinginto each position. The firstposition(narrowestgap)is theonemostcommonlyusedfor single sheetsofpaper.Trydifferentpositionsuntilyougetthebestprintingnxmlts.