I Enable/disablebidirectionalprinting | Both | |||
i | cESC> | u |
| I |
I | 27 | 85 | <m | I |
Thecommandaboveenablesordisablesbidirectionalprinting,wherea> isabinary valueofeitherOOhorOlh oran ASCIIvalueof either”O”or’’l”. If <n>is setto OOh or “O”,then bidirectionalprintingwill be performed,and if it is Olh or “l”, then unidirectionalprintingwillbeperformedsubsequenttothereceiptofthiscommand. If the Memory Switch setting has been made for bidirectionalprinting, this commandwillbe ignored.
] Enableunidirectionalprintingfor one line only | Both I | |
I | < |
IBh | 3Ch |
I 27 | 60 | I |
Thecommandaboveenablesunidirectionalprintingforonelineonly.Thereare no parameters.Printingwillbe
Define macroinstructionBoth
<ESC> | + | cdl> | ... | .dn> | <RS> |
IBh | 2Bh | Cdl> | ... | cdn> | IEh |
27 | 43 | 41> | ... | 30 |
Thecommandabovecancelsanyexistingmacroinstructionandreplacesit withthe definedinstruction.The definedmacro instructionconsistsof the charactersbe- tweenthe’’+’’andcRS>. ‘fhesecanbeanyprintablecharactersorcontrolcharacters exceptcRS>, up to a maximumof 16characters.
I Execute | macro instruction | Both I | |
<ESC> | + | <NUb | 1 |
| |||
IBh | 2Bh | OOh |
27 | 43 | 0 | I |
The commandaboveexecutesa previouslydefinedmacroinstruction.