I Reversefeed to top of form | Both | |
[“<ESC> | <FF> | I |
IBh | OCh |
27 | 12 |
The command above reverses the paper to the top of the form. There are no parameters.On receiptof thiscommand,thepaperwillbe fedbackwardsto thetop of thecurrentpage. A carriagereturn(to the leftmargin)willalso takeplace.This commandis invalidif the ASF has been selected.
Set page length(in inches) | Both | ||
<ESC> | c | <Nub | <0 |
IBh | 43h | OOh | <m |
27 | 67 | 0 | <0 |
The commandabovesets the page lengthin inches,where<n> is a binaryvalue (ls~><22 in standardmode,lS<n>S127in IBMmode)repmenting thenewpage lengthin inches.Thebottommarginis reset,and thecurrentlineafterexecutionof thiscommandis madethe newtop of form.
Set page iength(in iines) | Both | ||
<ES(2> | c | <m |
IBh | 43h | <0 |
I 27 | 67 | <* | I |
The commandabove sets the page length in lines, where cn> is a binary value (ISCn>S127in standardmode,lgQ>s255 in IBMmode).The newpagelengthis set accordingto the current line spacingvalue. Subsequentchangesof the line spacingvaluewill not affectthe page length.The bottommarginis reset,and the currentlineafterexecutionofthiscommandis madethenewtopofform.Thiscom- mandis invalidif the line spacingis set to,O.